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My Password Protected Genealogy Information

Never fear! It's possible you already have a password to use!
(That is, if I know you, or you've already contacted me about Genealogy Information)

Passwords for Protected Genealogy Information and the Photos Section are the same.

Click here if you've read this already

Default usernames and passwords are as follows:

Usernames are the first and last names of the person logging in with no spaces. Passwords are the name of the street that the person lives on.

For example, John Smith lives on Hollywood Boulevard

To log in, he would use the username: johnsmith
and the password: hollywood

Another example, Jane Louise Doe (who usually goes by "Louise") lives on 8th Street

She would still log in as "janedoe" and use the password "eighth"

For someone who lives on "Avenue H" use "avenueh" ..... aaaaand .... I don't know what other exceptions I might have, but email me if you're not sure.

Use all small letters, to keep it simple.

If your log-in doesn't work, or if you want it changed to something else, send me an email giving me the appropriate information, so I can add you.


or use the form below.

Click here to log in!


Email Address:
Requests, comments, questions

Put a website form like this on your site.

E-mail addresses are written to avoid spambots. Please copy the address to your e-mail program.

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