genealogy pedigree main credits and thanks contact me


Credits and Thanks!

Here I would like to send out a big Thank You to people who collected family history information which I have benefited from! and consequently, that information helped me to make this site!

Skip Corrigan
for the McQueen information

Hilary Vint
for the Storey information

Anne Dyson
for the Fairweather information

Steven Fairweather
for the information on the Lawrence Fairweather family line

If you wish to contact any of these people, please contact me and I will pass along your information, or ask them if I may give you their information.

My e-mail address is:
jannettemcqueen [at]

E-mail addresses are written to avoid spambots. Please copy the address to your e-mail program.

Genealogy Main - Pedigree Main - Credits & Thanks - Mc vs. Mac - Find How You're Related - Contact Me - My Welcome Page - Photos - My Favorite Sites